Introduction to Methoxetamine

Methoxetamine is a dissociative drug which has effects similar to but different than that of ketamine. Methoxetamine also differs greatly in terms of dosage when compared to ketamine, often time requiring a much smaller dose to reach ones desirable effects. As a dissociative drug, methoxetamine has an interesting mechanism of action, acting both as an NMDA receptor antagonist (like many dissociative drugs) and a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, both of which contribute to the overall effects of the compound. Methoxetamine is a research chemical, designed as an alternative, cleaner version of ketamine, though this has yet to be formally proven through legitimate clinical trials. The duration for which methoxetamine acts when compared to ketamine is significantly longer (3-4 times the duration), this is due partially to the compounds N-ethyl group was chosen to increase its potency.